Thomas Pringle TD

Pringle calls on Government to support fish factory workers

Pringle calls on Government to support fish factory workers

Independent TD for Donegal, Thomas Pringle, has called on Government to support fish factory workers.

Addressing the Taoiseach in the Dáil today, Deputy Pringle said: “The fishing industry in Ireland has been in serious and rapid decline since the introduction of the Common Fisheries Policy. Because of this, fish factory workers, who once worked 10 months of the year, are now lucky to get six weeks of work in the factories. 

“This decline has meant that it is no longer possible for workers to work up enough stamps and they are forced to apply for Jobseekers Allowance rather than Jobseekers Benefit, which impacts on their income. 

“Although scarce, the work carried out by factory workers is vital and important. Without it we would not have fresh fish in our shops or supermarkets. 

“They need to be supported to carry out this work, but many are leaving the factories because of the decline in hours and the fact that they are now forced to claim means-tested Jobseekers Allowance,” he said.

The deputy raised the issue during Questions on policy or legislation.

Deputy Pringle said: “Will you introduce measures, through social welfare, to support fish factory workers to allow them to continue to provide this vital work?”

In his response, Taoiseach, Simon Harris, said he will ask the Minister for Social Protection to look at Deputy Pringle’s suggestion and revert to him directly.