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Government delaying on legislation for OFFSHORE WINDFARMS
- Updated: 9th May 2019

For Written Answer on : 08/05/2019
Question Number(s): 1568 Question Reference(s): 19564/19
Department: Housing, Planning and Local Government
Asked by: Thomas Pringle T.D.
To ask the Minister for Housing; Planning and Local Government when he will progress the maritime area and foreshore (amendment) Bill; the reason for the delays in its progression to date; the timeline in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
In May 2017, a draft of the MAFA Bill was circulated to all Government Departments and the Attorney General. A number of workshops and bilateral meetings with relevant policy Departments and the Office of the Attorney General continued throughout 2017 and into 2018. A high level Marine Legislation Steering Group (MLSG) was established in 2018 to facilitate the further development of this legislation given its cross-Departmental implications.
Legal advice from the Attorney General on the draft MAFA Bill was received in November 2018, raising a number of complex matters, which were considered by the MLSG. Revised proposals for a more comprehensive, holistic and robust approach to State consenting and development management in the Maritime Area are currently being developed jointly with my colleague, the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment. It is intended to revert to Government with the revised proposals in the near term.