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Update: Flood prevention measures in Donegal
- Updated: 24th April 2019

For Oral Answer on : 18/04/2019
Question Number(s): 16 Question Reference(s): 17780/19
Department: Public Expenditure and Reform
Asked by: Thomas Pringle T.D.
To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the reason little progress has been made in the implementation of flood and coastal erosion measures along vulnerable coastal areas in County Donegal and which were announced by the Minister of State in May 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Very good progress has been made on the implementation of new flood relief schemes in County Donegal since I announced, in May 2018, 29 Flood Risk Management Plans for all the main river basins. These Plans identified a total of 118 flood relief projects to protect the main flood risk areas throughout the country, 15 of which are in County Donegal These Plans and projects are a key part of the overall flood risk management strategy set out in the National Development Plan 2017 – 2028 involving total investment of almost €1 billion over the ten year time frame of that Plan. As it is not possible to implement all of the 118 projects at the one time, a total of 50 projects were prioritised for the initial tranche of investment and delivery based on the level of risk and number of properties to be protected.
Following consultation and discussions between the OPW and Donegal County Council, six of the 15 Donegal projects have been identified to be progressed in the first phase of implementation. Steering Groups for the projects have been established and much work is being done to make preparations for the appointment of consultants over the coming months for these projects. The OPW and Donegal County Council will work closely to ensure that the projects that are not in the initial tranche of projects to be progressed will be commenced as early as possible in the coming years and within the 10 year timeframe for the programme of investment. .