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PQ: Update on funding for Sheil Community Hospital in Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal
- Updated: 5th March 2019

For Written Answer on : 19/02/2019
Question Number(s): 410 Question Reference(s): 8198/19
Department: Health
Asked by: Thomas Pringle T.D.
To ask the Minister for Health if funding will remain available for the upgrade of the Sheil Community Hospital in Ballyshannon, County Donegal in view of savings required due to the overrun of costs for the national children’s hospital; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
The new children’s hospital is a vital and much needed project. The Government has examined the funding pressures associated with delivering this important project and has made adjustments to capital allocations to ensure that the new children’s hospital will be delivered.
My Department and the Health Service Executive are currently engaged in a process to finalise the HSE Capital Plan for 2019.
The HSE Capital Plan will determine the projects that can progress in 2019 and beyond having regard to the total available capital funding and the relevant priority of each project. All Health capital projects, currently at various stages of development, such as the Community Hospital in Ballyshannon, are included as part of this process.
Once the HSE has finalised its Capital Plan for 2019, it will then be submitted to me for consideration.